Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Sharkdog Cometh

  Another day at Casa de WTF?. Still no job, but my years as a borderline housekeeper are paying off as I continue the task of cleaning, organizing, and ironing everything in sight. In an effort to wring every last dollar out of this train wreck, we're clearing the closets and making offerings to a snooty consignment shop in town. As I mentioned earlier, I don't think we've ever gotten rid of anything. The things I've found would shock even the most clueless fashion victim. Also, apparently in the 80s (which extended well into the 90s in rural TN), it was okay for career women to wear shoulder-padded suits in pastel Easter egg colors. This hypothesis is based on the many such heinous examples found in my mom's collection this week. Three pink suits, Mom? Really?

  Cleaned out what we long referred to as the "junk closet" (in imitation of more sane households' "junk drawer") and saw the floor for the first time since we moved in. How is that we managed to hold onto decades-old fabric scraps, yet somehow misplaced actual important things? The mystery of the lost original Nancy Drew continues...

  That, plus some kickass transcribing work (women's lib be damned -- secretarial work pays well!), take up most of my time. The transcribing is for an academic dude I met in D.C. who's interviewing musicians for a book. I didn't know anything about the topic, so it's nice to hear some good stories and get paid for typing them up.

  I don't know if I've mentioned the new dog yet. Well, there is one, and he is a pistol. W, or as I call him, "Sharky", keeps me pretty busy with walks and ball games and pulling his head out of shoes and stuff. You have to take him out on a leash in the backyard because he's small enough to fit through the not infrequent gaps in the fence. Nine pounds of pure insanity combined with the misplaced bravado that is a hallmark of small dogs everywhere. Walked by a fence today and the dog on the other side (who, judging by his bark, had been a heavy smoker for at least 15 years) wanted to start an argument, but our brave Shark does not back down. Dragged him back home for the safety of all citizens.

  W is a mixed breed pound puppy: from his Westie ancestors he got his comically short legs and sturdy tail (twice the length and thickness of a leg), and from the Chihuahua side, the excitable temperament and urge to strike out like a cobra at everything that passes. It doesn't help that he's both black and stealthy: half the time you're searching the house for him while he 's following close on your heels, undetectable and probably snickering to himself before pouncing. The dog wants to chew on you all the time. Suppertime, pottytime, bathtime -- any time is fair game for this little assassin. I'm glad I watched all those Swamp People marathons -- you have to wrestle him like a damn alligator to get him into bed.

  In other news, I've finally been able to sleep after months of insomnia and unsettling, anxiety-induced dreams. I thought it would get better once I got to OK and (assumedly) stopped feeling guilty, but guilt has been replaced by the anxiety of not finding a job. Every night I would lay down at a reasonable hour and almost immediately find myself overwhelmed by the thought of every stupid thing I've done over the past couple of years. After a couple hours of Nightmare on Memory Lane, I'd fall into an unsatisfying sleep plagued by nightmares.

  Fast forward two months: I realized I had to supplant my anxieties with something else, something powerful that would eclipse them completely. So I asked myself, what's the only thing scarier than unemployment? That's right, vampires. Not the teen-lit. pansies of the modern era (cf: movies I will never again go see with my dad), nor the ones who drank themselves to death on Sunset Boulevard. No, I needed the old-school blood-sucking fiends. Read a couple chapters of Dracula and slept like a baby.

Biding his time until the moment is right to strike.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dear CB, volume one

It's January 24. Yesterday the first ice cream truck of the season rolled through our neighborhood. Why am I here?

I'm also officially on Twitter now -- did you know porn spammers make fake accounts there? I do, because they all subscribed to me immediately after I joined. "Wow, look how many followers I have!", I naively thought to myself. False. Oh well. Find me @mylifeslikethat.

Gainful employment has thus far eluded me, so I'm occupying my time with cleaning out the garage, reading, and writing. Not blog posts, obviously -- that would require internet -- but I write a lot of letters, some of which I even send. Since nothing has happened that is much worth relating (or actually, that I could relate without being outrageously offensive. Cf: the rejection of my application at a Goodwill store and my family's attempt to get me to apply for a museum cop job), I'm going to post a recent letter instead. It's to CB, and, well, you'll see.

Dear CB,

Jan. 8:
I know I wrote you like 3 days ago, but I’m sitting here at 10.30 pm listening to the country station and pretty much pissing myself over these songs! Maybe I’ve been out of the country loop for awhile, but I don’t think they’re playing these in Nash! Anyway, here are some of the best songs/lines I’ve heard today:
Toby Keith – Red Solo Cup is pretty funny. TK is from the next town (Moore) and, because they have nothing else to be proud of, they have “home of Toby Keith” on their water tower.

Some song about “I’m so much cooler online” that I was dying at. **edit: This appears to be a Brad Paisley song. Am I the only one who hears "Brad Paisley" and expects a New Wave singer? Just saying, that is a way effeminate moniker for a country artist.

Jason Aldean’s new song (complete with awkward rap!) about “chilling on a dirt road / laid back swerving like I’m George Jones.” Pissed. Myself. Laughing.

Montgomery Gentry, “Where I Come From”. So, let me get this straight, MG. You’re proud of your quiet country hometown… where dudes can fight in the parking lot and no one calls the cops? WTH is wrong with your police force, MG? What are you trying to promote? I’m never going to where y’all come from because I’ll get mugged and no one will care!

Unknown singer, song about how he’s not worried about the new guy she’s dating, because he’s (#2) not country and she’ll come back to guy #1 after finding out about new guy’s flaws: “he can’t even bait a hook/he can’t even skin a buck…” Go with new guy, girl! Ex-bf’s gonna kill you and make it look like a hunting accident!

So many [edit] songs, which all sound the same and have the same theme: life sucks sometimes, let’s have a beer! His songs must be written by either a)the man himself, b)feral cats, or c) that guy from Nickelback. Seriously, how is he famous? **Name withheld to protect me from the wrath of this guy's sizable fan base.

An ad/infomercial that starts with an official-sounding lady saying “Attention, women with muffin tops!” I have no idea what happens after that b/c I’m usually on the floor in the fetal position, tears running down my face “like some sort of sad Jesus fountain”, to use your phrase.

Jan. 9:

“Tequila makes her clothes fall off” – my god, will it never end?

Jan. 11:

Took the dog outside last night and it was def snowing. TF is wrong with this state? ** edit: It was 70 last week.

Yesterday I walked to some apts in the neighborhood (okay, let’s be honest: the ‘hood) that had a ‘now hiring’ sign out, to ask what jobs they had available. The guy said “Maintenance”… then laughed. FML.

Today I am archiving the garage, yet again. Found a giant surprise box of clothes. As I sorted them, I kept thinking they didn’t look familiar, and why would we wear such ugly pants, even if it was the ‘90s? Then I realized: they’re my bro’s from middle school. Well, that one year of middle school before he left us to live with our dad. That was 10+ years ago.

It’s like I’ve stumbled into a time machine… but one that is rigged to only transport you to the shittiest times of your life.

Later: Okay, so I officially weeded all of my and mom’s clothes from the garage and there were a ton. Surprise southern handicap: after you move away from fam and traditional recipients of hand me downs (cf: twin cousins), you have no idea what to do with old clothes. I mean, c’mon!

I commandeered some of mom’s outgrown and more heinous outfits and now have all the makings for either a Charlie Chaplin or Sheldon Cooper costume. I mean, how many pairs of suspender pants did one person need in the '80s? I wore a pair once to high school, unfortunately the same day as the school play. All day people kept asking me if I was in the play. Nope, I’m just dressed like a tool.
Maybe I’ll start that blog – terrible h.s. stories.

I accidentally watched an ep of "Bones" via our illegal free cable hookup (so classy) – mistake. A) It’s pretty gross, b) it’s pretty inaccurate, and c) see title. This ep talked a lot about the spine, so I won’t sleep for a week. And then the news – suffice it to say that our current state hero is an 18 year old widow with a 3 month old who shot/killed burglars who were breaking into her house (read: trailer) in search of prescription meds. You stay classy, Oklahoma!

**edit: The comments on articles about this situation are the real gems: "I'm glad this Oklahoma woman received national attention but what they have failed to report is that Oklahoma has a unique law unlike other states. It is called "Make My Day Law" where if someone comes in your house uninvited, you can shoot them. She didn't have to call 911."

This is not a totally accurate statement, but ridiculous nonetheless.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Let the hard times roll

  Well, here we are again, parked behind the 12th St. McDonald's to use their wifi... only this time, there's a dog in the car because we had to vacate the house so some people could look at it. Got up pre-dawn to clean. Although I'm not sure why: anyone who's shopping in our neighborhood couldn't be picky enough to pass on a house because the mirrors were smudged..

  The most merciful thing for all parties concerned would be to burn it down and flee the scene. But no. It hasn't rained in awhile and I don't want to be held responsible if the whole state goes up.

  The only person really enjoying this day is the guy dressed up in a robe and crown, dancing on the sidewalk. Liberty Tax Service hires sign-wavers to advertise, and that may be the one "now hiring" sign in town I haven't inquired about. Sooner or later I'll have to go in there...

  Hard times all around!